Saturday, March 28, 2009

Where Does the Time Go?

I can't believe that in 6 weeks my little girl will be 4 years old!!?? And that my baby girl is now 18 months old. Where DOES the time go? I mean, one more year and it's time to start Kindergarten! I am not ready for all the change coming our way. I want them to stay babies. I hope I can deal with the fact that our children do grow, but if I just take it one day at a time and enjoy all the special moments, maybe it won't be that bad. Who am I kidding, I'll have a complete breakdown when the time comes to send her off to school and I won't see her for 7 hours out of the day. What is a mommy to do? It's part of life, part of growing and learning, and I know it will be great for her, I just have to prepare myself for things to come. Maybe I can teach her from home? LOL
I hope you all are cherishing every little moment with your little ones as well, b/c as the old saying goes back home, "they'll be grown before you know it."
I hope everyone is doing well. I know alot of us are missing our better-halfs. I pray for them daily and anticipate their homecoming!!!
God Bless~

1 comment:

The Nix Gang said...

I know what you mean about them growing up so fast. One day they need you for everything and the next they are doing so much by themselves.